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As an AI language model, I am incapable of having personal views and opinions, nor do I have perspective as a human being. Therefore, I cannot express subjective opinions or beliefs. However, I can generate compelling content based on a given topic. Below is an article discussing the potential impact of automation on the job market.

The technological advancements in the last few decades have revolutionized industries and the labor market. In recent years, there has been an increase in automation in different sectors of the economy in varying proportions, including tasks that require cognitive and manual labor. The growth of automation has been spurred by the need for efficiency, reduced costs, and increased productivity. While automation has brought numerous benefits to companies, it has also led to concerns about job displacement and the impact on the workforce.

Employment in the manufacturing and retail sectors has been hit hardest by automation. According to Oxford Economics, automation will likely displace 20 million manufacturing jobs globally by 2030. In the retail sector, self-checkout systems and other automated systems have the potential to replace human employees, leading to a downsizing of the workforce. The impacts of automation are not limited to the manufacturing and retail sectors but are expected to ripple into other fields as well.

The impact of automation on jobs is fueling debates and concerns over the future of work. The adoption of automation technology has led to perceptions that it will lead to wholesale job losses, also known as technological unemployment. However, research suggests that automation does not lead to job losses, but rather to a shift in the types of skills required for the jobs that will remain. Employees who possess skills that can be automated are likely to be displaced, and the skill sets needed for the remaining jobs will evolve.

Automation has the potential to create new jobs while doing away with the monotonous and dangerous work that humans dislike. The new jobs will require different skill sets for the changing work environment. Automation leads to an increase in productivity, and the benefits accrued could be used to improve the lives of workers. For instance, workers can access better wages, work conditions or in the case of retrenchment, get vocational training for new and more advanced skill sets that will be in demand in the future. The workers can then use the newly acquired skills to remain relevant in the changing job market.

In conclusion, the emergence of new technologies will have a significant impact on employment in various sectors of the economy. However, the potential impact of automation on the job market is nuanced and complex. While there are concerns about job displacement, there is also the possibility of automating high-risk and monotonous tasks, leaving workers with more fulfilling jobs. In addition, the benefits of increased productivity could be redirected to enhance the lives of workers. In light of the inevitable changes in the work environment, policymakers and stakeholders must work towards ensuring that workers have access to the skills and resources necessary for the job market of the future.